What is beast mode?
With running season well underway I got the itch to go for a run. I’ve been wanting to get back into running, but my schedule didn’t allow for it before. I reached out to a couple of friends that I know run often (probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, they run ultra marathons, lol). Remember I want to get “back into” running.
Any who, I was convinced to run 10 miles with big hills! I’m from Chicago we don’t have hills, lol!
I was scared & nervous because I haven’t ran long distance since the Middle Tennessee Half in 2019.
I started the negative mind chatter.
“I haven’t run in a long time.”
“I never trained with hills.”
“What if I can’t finish?”
“I’m not prepared.”
Then my friend sent me a text “I’m so excited for the views, the smells, the dogs, the hills. “🥰
And it hit me… YES focus on the beautiful things around, not on the run. It doesn’t matter how I do on the run or if I even finish the run. What matters is breathing in the fresh air and being grateful for all the beautiful things around. Running is such an amazing journey. It’s a time to clear your mind, a time to see what you are capable of accomplishing, and a time to reflect!
It’s easy to focus on the challenge vs on all the positives around. Focusing on the positives will get you through anything! That is having a beastmode mindset.
And that brings me to a question I get asked often. Many people ask, “What is Beast mode, it sounds intimidating?”
The Webster definition is: Beast mode refers to the aggressive, animalistic persona that one might assume when in competition or combat in order to overpower an opponent.
Beast mode is not only a physical thing (flipping tires, lifting a super heavy weight, throwing weights on the ground, exaggerated grunts, or going on a 10 mile run out of the blue-that’s just be being crazy, lol).
It's a mindset, a way of life. It's having tenacity, grit, and persistence to keeping going in all aspects of life.
So, if you’ve been contemplating doing a race, taking a new class, signing up for lessons, go for it! Despite the negative mind chatter you have going on, you can do anything! It’s liberating to see what you are capable of accomplishing!
P.S. Here are a few of my favorite running essentials.
BALEGA- Running socks are crucial when going on long distance runs. My favorite brand is Balega. The fit is perfect, they are soft and comfy. A big plus is I haven't gotten any blisters when wearing Balega socks.
HUMA- For long runs it is always a good idea to have an energy gel pack in your pocket just incase you need a push or some sugar to keep you going. There are many brand options, you really need to experiment with them and see which are you favorite flavors. I recommend to experiment during your training not on race day. One brand I like is Huma.
BODY GLIDE - Have you experienced chaffing before? If you have, this right here will bring back the motivation to run, lol! If you haven't chaffed, please prevent it from happening with Body Glide. Chaffing happens when the skin rubs against each other or against clothes (usually inner thighs for women and nipples for men). It can look like a rash, burns and can even cause bleeding. Use Body Glide on long runs and you'll be all good!