Feel stronger. Feel energized. Feel confident. Feel unstoppable!


Are you a busy parent juggling work, family and trying to stay healthy but struggle to find the time?

You need something different, something that works for real parents like you!

Why Choose Fit Parent Kettlebell Kickstart?

The Fit Parent Kettlebell Kickstart Program is an approachable solution for real parents, a game changer for those who are juggling it all.

Here are some of the incredible results you can expect:

-Feel stronger than ever and finally have the energy for your busy life

-Master simple, effective habits that truly become a lifestyle and say goodbye to inconsistent diets and workouts 

-Gain real life strength for tasks that matter, from tossing your child in the pool to carrying all your groceries in one go

-Become the role model for your family you wish you had as a kid

Kettlebell Kickstart is for YOU if: 

✔ You need a flexible plan, something simple yet effective that you can actually stick to and fits into your busy life no matter what is going on!

✔ You’ve got a lot on your plate, and you don’t need to add hours in the gym or kitchen to your already overflowing to-do list.

✔ You’re tired of sacrificing your own health, energy, or well-being.

✔ You don’t want another extreme workout program or change everything about your life.

Kettlebell Kickstart is:

-Simple, repeatable, and effective. We're not here to overwhelm you with complicated workouts or extreme diets. We're about creating sustainable habits.

-A program where we teach you how to use kettlebells correctly and effectively. These workouts are designed to fit into your busiest day. They are quick, flexible, and can be done anywhere.

No more excuses, even if your little ones are running around.


✔ Personalized Fitness Coaching: Virtual one-on-one training sessions to start your journey and on-going workout plans.

✔ Exclusive Fitness App: Access to our Fitness App, connecting you with a private community of parents just like you. It's a support system you can lean on.

✔ Food Coaching: Rebuild your food relationship, remove guilt, and normalize eating. It’s about balance not deprivation.

✔ Weekly Check-Ins: Weekly support and accountability for food and fitness to help you stay on track.

✔ Access to the Team: Two trainers in your back pocket whenever you need guidance.

Imagine this- a healthier, happier you, setting a positive example for your children, and cherishing every family moment.

Click Below if you are ready to not just invest in yourself; invest in a lifelong, life-changing transformation for you and your family.



Hello, we are Vanessa Flores and Sam Gonzalez, fitness coaches specializing in kettlebell training for busy parents who value their long-term health but struggle with consistency.

As parents of two kids, we understand the challenges of balancing family responsibilities while trying to prioritize health.

Unlike other fitness programs, we focus on home based kettlebell fitness to create lasting healthy habits and a fitness plan that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle, helping you build strength, improve mobility, and enhance your long-term well-being.


Client Transformations


So, if you need a flexible plan that fits into your busy life, tired of sacrificing your health, and want something simple yet effective – this is for you.

Don't wait for life to pass you by. Click the link below to join our Fit Parent Kettlebell Kickstart community and start your journey today.

Client Testimonials

I am literally in the best shape of my life. My arms and legs are toned. My middle
is shrinking and | saw the scale go DOWN approximately 8-10 lbs (but I know I gained muscle) but the amazing thing is the scale didn’t move down previously for about 10 years. I’m 52 and I work with young children... playing on the floor with the kiddos was tough - it hurt to sit on the floor. Now I can sit on the floor and easily get up without struggle or strange noises.
— A.Z.
I can function through more activities with my kids than I could before. More self-confidence as well.
Exercise has become an integral part of my self of well-being, such that I really can’t go a week without working out just from a holistic perspective - makes me so much happier.
— M.S.
Sam and Vanessa and this program have been a game changer for me. For the first time in a long time, fitness and lifting heavy feels good. I feel strong and better than I have felt in years and fitness is fun again. Most importantly no longer have aches and pains from inactivity and I can lift and pick up my children and heavy items. I have the energy to chase them around the house and upstairs or at the playground. If my daughter needs a piggyback ride, I can easily lift her or put her up on my shoulders which is her new favorite way to ride. If they want to go in the bouncy house - I don’t need my husbands help to get it down or put it up.
— E.F.

You don’t have to do this alone. Kettlebell Kickstart will make you feel unstoppable, in fitness and in life. 

Embrace a sustainable new way of living with the Fit Parent Kettlebell Kickstart. Transform your life, and let's write your success story together. Join us now!