8 Ways to Find Better Balance
Finding balance. Can that truly happen? Have you felt like when you strive for balance between work, home, and kids you get stressed and overwhelmed? This is normal, yet we feel guilty because we can’t balance it all. My biggest piece of advice? Ditch the guilt.
Think about a stove when you are cooking multiple foods at one time chicken, pasta and veggies. You are cooking chicken in one pan, boiling water in a pot and sauteing vegetables in another pan. Everything is going smoothly and balanced, YAY! But, then the water begins to boil to you need to focus your attention there and add in the noodles. You have to pay less attention to the chicken and veggies. Now, the chicken needs to be flipped and you can’t give the noodles your 100% attention because the chicken needs you. So you lower the flame on the noodles and focus on the chicken. Now you have to stir veggies to keep from sticking. You have to consistently change your focus and attention depending on what needs to get done so you don’t burn the food. The same happens in life. At some point your kids may need you more than your spouse so you focus on them more. At other times your spouse needs more of your attention and at other times your work does and so on. And that is ok! Place the focus where it is needed at that moment. Try not to balance it all at the same time because that is nearly impossible! Instead look inward and do what you can.
Here are some tips to help you feel more balanced:
1.) Schedule some “me-time”. What you do enjoy doing? Reading? Drinking coffee or tea in silence? Going for a walk? Make sure to do it for yourself. Even if it’s for 10 minutes a day.
2.) Have a master “to-do list”, but then choose your top 3 items that need to be done that day.
3.) Ask for help. Can someone with chores around the house, shuffling kids around or running errands?
4.) Reconnect with your spouse. “We” time is just as important as “me” time. Do this with either date nights, day dates, or spending focused quality time together when kids go to sleep.
5.) Do less. Simplify family life by scaling back and not saying yes to everything. Don’t over schedule yourself, if you’re invited to 2 birthday parties, pick one to attend instead of both. Keep a calendar to figure out if you are overcommitting yourself, then schedule back. (In The Get Strong & Fit Program we work this weekly and discuss it in our weekly check-in).
6.) Get moving. Working out regularly, helps you feel better, lose some weight and handle everyday stress. (Workouts are provided to get you energized in The Get Strong & Fit Program)
7.) Lower your expectations. You can do anything but not everything and that is ok. Cut yourself some slack. A sandwich for dinner is a good meal, a gift card is a thoughtful gift, and purchased snacks for a bake sale are just fine.
8.) Ignore the drama. You don’t know what is truly going on in other’s lives! Take a minute to breathe and be grateful for what you have. Don’t compare yourself to others. Ever.