Why I Love Workout Bursts (And Why You Should, Too!)
Listen up, because I’ve got good news for those of us who don’t have an abundance of time to spend at the gym each week (and for you unmotivated types who just don’t want to!).
I’m sure you’ve heard the recommendations — to stay fit, adults need between 75-150 minutes of physical activity a week. And no, the time spent changing your quarantine pajamas and pouring another glass of moscato doesn't count.
But between the kids, the job, the Zoom calls, and all the other things 2020 has thrown at us, it’s hard to find the time or motivation to keep up with an effective fitness routine.
What if I told you there was a better way? That you didn’t have to log hours and hours on the elliptical each week to break out of your current fitness plateau and unleash your inner beast?
Hold the phone, Vanessa! What is this voodoo magic, and how can I get some in my life?
Contrary to what we’ve been told most of our lives, spending tons of time on low to moderate cardio isn’t actually the best path to weight loss and improved fitness. Workout bursts, also known as interval training, are much more effective.
If you’re ready to lose the Quarantine 15, take your fitness to the next level, and finally unleash that inner workout beast hiding within, here’s how to get started:
Workout Bursts 101
Workout bursts achieve more in less time — we’re talking in and out in less than 30 minutes.
These intervals alternate periods of intense exercise at maximum effort with short periods of rest. To get started, simply choose an activity that gets your heart pumping such as running, cycling, rowing, burpees, or jump squats and follow the interval pattern.
When it comes to timing your workout bursts, there are many different formulas you can use.
My favorites? One minute on / one minute rest OR 40 seconds on / 20 seconds rest. Continue the on / rest cycle for five minutes, then rest and repeat the intervals for 30 minutes (either all at once or at different times throughout the day.)
How do these short bursts of intense activity pack such a big punch?
Pardon me while I get sciency for a minute...
Burst workouts function at the metabolic level. They produce a response in your body that lasts long after your workout is complete. While the bursts don’t initially burn as much fat as a long, moderately-paced jog would, your metabolism continues to work after you're done. Even when your system returns to normal, you’re still using more calories.
Another bonus? Burst workouts also produce these nifty little chemicals called catecholamines which increase fat oxidation and cause even more fat to burn. Cha-ching! Essentially, your body turns into a fat-burning machine for 24–48 hours.
How Effective Are Burst Workouts?
The short answer: extremely.
In several studies, short bursts of intense exercise resulted in a 28% greater weight loss for participants. But weight loss isn’t the only benefit. Burst workouts also reduce inflammation, help you avoid chronic diseases, build more muscle, and boost your immune system if accompanied by adequate nutrition and rest.
Burst workouts are proven to help type 2 diabetics improve insulin sensitivity and control their glucose. Because of this, they’re an effective way to target belly fat. Buh-bye stretchy pants!
Who Are Burst Workouts for?
Because they can be done anytime and anywhere, burst workouts are super convenient for just about anyone.
Moms who want to squeeze in a workout during an episode of Peppa Pig
Employees who are traveling and need a workout they can do from anywhere
Employees working from home or at a desk and need to fit in a quick workout to refocus and increase their productivity
Business owners who are burning the midnight oil and want to fit workouts in whenever they can manage
Exercisers who are bored with their current fitness routine and desire a new challenge
If you have at least a base level of fitness and are ready to experience real transformation in your body, burst workouts may be the answer to your prayers!
However, there is a disclaimer: these workouts are crazy intense. Workout bursts require you to give your all. The trade off for the shorter time spent working out is the hard core pace you’ll be pushing yourself to reach, so my advice is to start slow.
If you’re just beginning a fitness routine or coming back after a long hiatus, it’s best to gain a baseline before you dive into workout bursts. Start by walking or jogging, and work up to 30 minutes of moderately-paced cardio a few times a week. Once you’re able to sustain that for at least 6 weeks, add one session of burst workouts to your schedule. Then build by adding another set of bursts every couple of weeks.
On a personal level, burst workouts have given me a new edge I never knew was possible. I used to loathe working out alone at home. I’d find any excuse not to get it done — until I discovered burst workouts that is. Soon after, I created Unleash the Beast and Live Morning workouts. Waking up to hop online with my Unleash the Beast Tribe keeps me accountable and gets me excited. It’s such a time saver and gives me the boost I need to get through the day with two kids. I just had a baby six weeks ago, and even lack of sleep doesn’t deter me from getting my workout bursts in! The best news? I’m feeling stronger, seeing results, and I’m almost back to pre-baby weight.
If workout bursts can work for me, they can work for you, too! Don’t let yourself be convinced that you’re too busy, too heavy, too weak, or too old to begin a new chapter — there’s never been a better time to improve your health and get stronger than TODAY.
Think you’re ready to try workout bursts on for size? Ready to push through that plateau you’ve been struggling with? Learn how to unleash your beast with my Beastmode Burst Workouts.
All you need is 20 minutes a day, and you’ll be feeling the burn, performing at your peak, & seeing BIGTIME results! Click HERE to download the Home Gym Made Easy Guide to access your first video.