Staying Consistent in 2022

Did you set the intention to make fitness and health a priority in 2022? Good for you! Now’s about the time when that initial motivation starts to fade, and you might be tempted to give up. The next few weeks are key to ensuring you keep up your new routines and habits so that you can meet your fitness goals for 2022.

Let’s talk about how to be consistent and stay on track!

Define Your Purpose

You’ve probably heard me quote it before . . . “Motivation fades, purpose sustains.” Motivation goes up and down. Some days you feel like working out and some days you don’t. Some days everything goes smoothly and some days it feels like the whole world is conspiring against you getting that workout in. You can’t rely on motivation to help you meet your fitness goals. Instead, you need to define your purpose.

What is your purpose? Do you want to run a big race? Keep up with your kids? Feel better in your clothes? Do you want better overall health? 

To be consistent, you have to define your purpose and keep it in the front of your mind. Motivation and feelings won’t keep you on track, but knowing your purpose will. 

Each Day is an Opportunity 

Where are you right now on the fitness scale? On and off? Do you sometimes workout and sometimes don’t? Consistent? Working out 3-5 times a week? Excessive? Working out 2xs a day or 6-7 days in a row?

Which of the three will give the best results? Consistency, working out regularly. On and off will make you feel frustrated, and an excessive routine will lead to overtraining, burn out, or injuries. 

What we want is consistency. Here are a few practical tips to ensure consistency and best help you meet your fitness goals:

#1 Set reasonable goals. You know yourself and your schedule. Make sure your goals are attainable. If necessary, trim your goals.

#2 Schedule it. Whether in an app or a paper calendar, make sure your workout time has a dedicated slot on your schedule. It’s important, so carve out 3-5 sessions a week. Find the best time of day for you. Maybe you jump out of bed and get going. Maybe the lunch hour works best for you. Or, maybe your workout time is in the afternoon as you switch gears between work and home. Whatever the time, get it on the agenda and make it happen!

#3 No punishment. If your day has unexpected twists and you aren’t able to workout, it’s okay. Each day is fresh and a new opportunity to make good choices. Don’t let one missed workout derail you. Don’t focus on one “bad” day. Remember your purpose and move on to the next workout day on your schedule.

#4 Pick a program. Rather than jumping from fitness plan to fitness plan or doing random workouts, your main focus should be a well-planned program that focuses on reaching your specific fitness goal. Faster results come if you do. Pick a program and stick with it. 

#5 Track your progress. As you meet your goals, make sure you track your progress. Be sure to celebrate milestones! For example, are you less winded? Able to move up in weights? Taper off any medications you may be taking? Clothes looser? These are all signs you are getting stronger and seeing results. Focus on the positives and the gains you are making. Focus on getting stronger and the rest will happen.

Set the Stage for Success

There are other great things you can do to stay consistent. Make sure you have a dedicated space for working out. It should be convenient and not require too much set up. Similarly, make sure your workout clothes and gear are ready to go. You don’t want to eat up your workout session looking for your shoes! 

Don’t Go it Alone

Accountability is one of the best ways to ensure consistency and move closer to those fitness goals! If you work out with a friend or even just check in each week with someone who is familiar with your goals it can go a long way to keep you consistent and on track. 

Take it a step further: hire a coach or join a group like The Strong Fit Life. We workout together and, in our custom app, the whole group gets notified when you complete a workout on your own. This allows us to celebrate small steps and big victories together!

Don’t go it alone. I don’t!

Join The Strong Fit Life!

Need help with consistency, but don’t know where to start? Join Get Strong Fast, A 20 Day Commitment to a Stronger You. Kickstart your consistency journey and feel stronger than ever. 

And, if you are ready to jump ALL IN, join our Unleash the Beast digital membership HERE

Vanessa Flores