Time to Focus on Heart Health, Ladies!

February is the month of love, but it’s also American Heart Month to remind us to focus on our hearts.

According to the American Heart Association heart disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined!

I know this a difficult topic to talk about, but it needs to be said. I not only want to be able to keep up with my kids I also, want to keep up with my grandkids.

Did you also know that 88% of millennial women worry about their mom’s health?

I don’t want my daughter worrying about my health.

The good news is cardiovascular disease can be prevented. American Heart Association uses the acronym GORED for easy to remember steps you can take to prevent this disease:

G- Get your numbers checked

Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure and cholesterol. (Your blood pressure can be controlled by the foods you eat, exercise and managing your stress).

O-Own your Lifestyle

Stop smoking, lose weight, exercise, and eat healthy. (The Get Strong & Fit Program is a step by step program that will get you results through exercise and eating healthy.) It’s up to you. No one can do it for you, but I’m here to support you through every step.

R-Realize your risk

We think it won’t happen to us, but heart disease kills one in three women. (I always say “You are the most important person in this entire equation. If you can’t take care of YOU, you can’t take care of anyone else”).

E-Educate your family

Make healthy food choices for you and your family. Teach your kids the importance of staying active. (The Get Strong & Fit Program provides recipes and meal ideas the entire family will love and encourage your kids to join in on the workouts).

D- Don’t be silent

Tell every women you know that heart disease is our number 1 killer! Be sure to wear red on Friday, February 7 it’s National Wear Red Day in honor of Heart Health Awareness!

Full article HERE

Take a look at the details for The Get Strong & Fit program https://www.strong4byv.com/get-strong-fit If it looks like something you’d be interested in, let’s chat further. You can sign up for a call HERE and let’s chat to see if it is the right fit for you.

What do you do to keep your heart healthy?

Vanessa Flores1 Comment